Friday, September 30, 2011

Mom and Dad's 60th wedding anniversary

sunday we held a party. it was really a celebration! my Mom and Dad had their 60th wedding anniversary on September 15th and we invited family and a few close friends to Frankenmuth to celebrate the occasion. what it really became was a tribute to the institution of marriage. no one who sits at the front of a Church at age 20 really truly expects "til death do us part" to last 60 or more years! I know I don't, I fully expect Lorna to have had enough of me by our 20th anniversary...but I must admit that time does something to a marriage. it creates such a need, such a bond that the couple really begins to wonder how they could survive without the other. that's where I'm at. I really find that I need my wife. not just for dinner and a movie but for so many important tasks. I need her to be a friend first. I need to know we can do stuff together and have fun and not put on a fake front...I need her to be a counselor of good advice, someone who will tell me honestly what I'm doing wrong, I need her to keep me sane. to show me her confidence in me when I lose mine. I need her to put things in perspective so I don't start hitting the panic button. I need her to simply say "I love you". and she does. my Mom and Dad had a nice day gathering with loved ones and remembering the days of their youth. but I think I came away the most blessed because I witnessed the future and discovered it's possibly not as scary as my mind wants to make it. and that was only one lesson of a dozen more I experienced sunday. thanks mom and dad for your committment to us kids, each other and God. I hope to be half the person you have lived out in front of me. I will always strive to make you proud.

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