1.8th grade -(1980) Larry Norman Visits the Redford Theatre. after the concert Larry is walking from backstage out to the merchandise table to sell product and meet & greet fans. I'm walking behind him and I say "Mr. Norman, how can I get my friends to listen to Christian music" he reacts with a little anger "you can't! if the music is good they'll listen. if it's not good they won't" he also said that if you put the needle down on the first cut and the song is bad throw the whole record away. If I'd taken that advice my record collection would be severely smaller that it is today.
2. in 1985 at GREEFEST in Canada my cousin Tom carries Larry's guitar for him across this large park for his press conference. Larry tells my cousin "If anything happens to this guitar it may end his ministry" so Tom took it very seriously.

3. in the mid 90's we went "thru the windsor tunnel" to see Larry in concert across the border. of course Larry made lite of the fact folks were going thru tunnels to see him sing. it was hilarious. it was also this night that Larry was asking folks to yell out requests and when we screamed "watch what your doing" from the "Something new under the sun" LP he tripped over his amp and nearly fell. it was priceless.

4. in 2001 we went to Toledo, ohio where Larry performed from 7pm to 12:30am, we were all exhausted when the concert was thru. he did some piano, guitar & sermonizing. I'll never forget it.
The void left behind now that Larry is gone looms very large. He will never be duplicated and his impact will continue for decades to come. I miss him. last year I celebrated my 40th birthday and I received in the mail this signed photo. I will treasure it forever. goodbye Larry Norman, thank you for your creativity & influence.

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