Hospice is tough, just the thought that your helping your loved one die is intimidating enough, for so long we have cared for my Mother in law Mabel, thru many illnesses, and we always witnessed her amazing recoveries, she was like teflon. but this time we were told she would not escape mortality...of course at some point neither will we...and frankly I had not thought much about our mortality until this grueling experience, I actually must prepare my heart, mind and spirit for death. I must stop kidding myself that i have loads of time to accomplish my dreams. by the way, what IS important in life ? what are those dreams anyhow ? wealth ? NO. Popularity ? NO. then what ? well, even from her death bed Mabel taught us a few important things
1. FAMILY, without a family your life has no anchor, no sense of familiar and really no true identity.
2. AUTHENTIC LOVE, to truly think the best in people, to not be cynical towards others actions, to have a genuine transparent heart is to be the better man in every situation.
3. INTEGRITY to do business and handle relationships in a moral, ethical bubble regardless of what politicians and others do, stay true to your own integrity.
4. GRACE Mabel also taught us how to die, she was the sweetest patient on the hospital floor, anyone who came in contact with her loved her manners, her decency and graciousness, she NEVER complained or responded with anger, even if the nurse was trying for the fourth time to find a vein, she would say "that's ok" or "Sorry it's so hard".
Now Lorna and I face empty nest syndrome, we sit at restaurants where we used to tell the wait staff "we need to hurry" (to get home to mother) now we order dessert because our services are no longer necessary, our marriage was greatly impacted by the needs of my mother in law and now we sit here on the edge of a new life with no limits on our idea's on where to start or how to get used to our freedom...we are open to your suggestions...and God's leading. Mom we miss you.