Saturday, January 17, 2009

last night we went to see "Slumdog Millionaire"...although it starts slow it is a great date film. It was very good. life is really cold here in Michigan right fact this has been one of the worst winters I can remember but a bad winter usually means Michigan is a beautiful Green in the spring...the middle east is doing battle and the world get's ready to welcome Barack Obama as President this coming tuesday. folks are losing jobs everyday in Michigan and life has alot of stress and anxiety...God is in control. I'm attempting to get back to Church on a more regular basis and I'm beginning to feel the difference in my state of mind. monday is Martlin Luther King Jr day and I'll be working with fill in John McCulloch. that's all for now I guess...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The show on January 7th

9:20 Pete Hoekstra, Congressman
9:35 Jim Edmonson, Campaign Manager, Mayor Kenneth Cockrel on hiring Obama’s people
9:45 Kym Worthy, Wayne County Prosecutor on Christine Beatty and the Mayor’s attorneys asking for the Text messages to be destroyed.
Steve McDonald, SEMA VP of Government Affairs
Jason Bordoff, Policy Director of the Brookings institution’s Hamilton Project
10:40 Adam Michaelson, former Senior Vice President at Countrywide Home Loans and author of “Foreclosure of America”
11:10 Gary Burtka, Mayor of Allen Park on the potential of a film studio coming to his city

had lunch at the Anchor Bar with a friend...very tired.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1-6-2009 SHOW LINEUP

9:20 David Littman, Chief Economist, Mackinac Center for public policy
9:35 Candice Miller, Congresswoman on the stimulus package.
10:10 Ed Dobson, Cornerstone University Jesus for a year & Lou Gehrig disease sufferer
10:35 David Cole, Center for Automotive research on the Hyundai assurance idea and sales numbers and his forecast for 2009 ?
10:50 Jeff O’Donnell, His home is used by Clint Eastwood in GRAN TORINO
11:10 Daniel Bagdade, Nathaniel Abraham attorney

Ed Dobson was a very interesting & diverse piece from today's show...suffering from Lou Gehrigs disease and spending a year living like Jesus did was quite a story. that's a wrap.

Monday, January 5, 2009


as 2009 gets underway I get the urge to try and blog on this site as frequently as will help me focus on my daily blessings and hopefully give me some kind of therapeutic encouragement. so here goes for January 5th, 2009.

got up at 4am and headed downtown for a show in desperate need of some ideas...we settled with Daniel Howes on the auto industry battles...Senator Mike Bishop on the budget...two authors who wrote a book about the Stephen Grant murder case...Sheriff Mark hackel responds to them...Jim Barry of the Consumer electronics association...Jim Stark about the delay of the Michigan Sports hall of fame induction ceremony and FOX news contributor John R. Lott about the Al Franken win in Minnesota. while I'm here we also discussed GRAN TORINO the film that was shot in Detroit by Clint Eastwood:

there are movies and then there are films...the difference for me is a movie is mainly a mindless fun plot that entertains and ends there...a film can actually change lives...THIS IS A FILM. they don't come along very often....Shawshank Redemption, Good Will hunting,Amazing Grace and Million Dollar baby are FILMS...GRAN TORINO is a film masterpiece...I can't tell you all the different reasons why but this film will stir your soul. Clint Eastwood is a genius. it breaks my heart to think that this planet won't have his filmmaking forever...I just hope he's passing along all the things he has learned about constructing a film like this one to someone in his life...when you sit down to visit this middle American tale be prepared to experience the heart of Eastwood...the lessons that scream at you include our fear of neighborhoods and being neighborly, racism, the spiritual questions, death and end of life, and finally personal family relationships...this film covers ALL OF IT. If this film doesn't touch you then I'm speechless and your hopelessly numb.Let me tell you one other thing about this film that is truly won't recognize a single player in this film. there are no superstars who demand 20 million a film...dare I say a single actor outside of Mr. Eastwood himself made a single million from this performance and yet that's another beautiful thing about all don't get bogged down by's all new, refreshing and bold...way to go Mr. Eastwood! when does your next film come out ? I'll be first in line.